Fusion-in-Decoder Training (FiD)#
FiD finetunes an encoder-decoder using a combination of 1) retrieved documents from a frozen retriever, and 2) ground-truth <chat_history, question, passage, answer> pairs (for one turn QA, you can use chat_history=''
). Under the hood, this training script:
use the frozen retriever to retrieve
documents for eachquestion
in the training data.augments the supporting passages to be
passage_aug = passage + retrieved_passages
.for each passage
, concatenate with the chat history and question to form the inputinput_i = chat_history + question + p
.encode each
using the encoder in parallelconcatenate the hidden states of the encoder and feed them into the encoder-decoder
trains the encoder-decoder model using standard cross-entropy loss on the ground-truth answer.
Running FiD Trainer#
At a high level, SwR training requires:
a training, evaluation, and test dataset of <question, passage, answer> pairs
an encoder-decoder model (e.g.
) to be trainedan embedding model (e.g.
) used for training AND automatic E2E evaluation during training
python scripts/train/qa_llm/train_w_gt_fid.py \
--per_device_train_batch_size 4 \
--per_device_eval_batch_size 4 \
# other training hyperparameters omitted
--model_name_or_path lmsys/fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0 \
--embedding_model intfloat/e5-base-v2 \
--embedding_max_num_to_retrieve 3 \
--output_dir model_checkpoints/my_SwR_qa_model \
--train_file <example/train_w_qa.jsonl> \
--eval_file <example/eval_w_qa.jsonl> \
--test_file <example/test_w_qa.jsonl> \
--full_dataset_file_path <example/documents.pkl> \
--full_dataset_index_path <example/index>
for a full list of arguments, you can run python scripts/train/qa_llm/train_w_gt_fid.py -h
. In this example:
, and other training arguments are from the HuggingFace TrainingArguments class. Since we implement our trainers from Huggingface’s Trainer class, it is compatible with most of the arguments there.--embedding_model
is used to perform retrieval during training and evaluation.--embedding_max_num_to_retrieve
dictates the size ofpassage_aug
during training. In practice, we boundlen(passage_aug) = embedding_max_num_to_retrieve + 1
is the directory where the trained model, training history, and evaluation results will be saved--train_file
, and--test_file
are the paths to the training, evaluation, and test datasets. See RQA Data Format for more details on the format of these files.--full_dataset_file_path
are the paths to the documents and their indices. This is used byeval_embedding_model
to perform retrieval during evaluation. See RQA Data Format for more details on the format of these files.
For complete examples (e.g., obtaining files like <example/train_w_qa.jsonl>
or other training hyperparameters), you can use Databricks and Faire as references.
Gautier Izacard and Edouard Grave. 2020. Leveraging Passage Retrieval with Generative Models for Open Domain Question Answering.