Customize your RQA system#

Our SimpleRQA simply takes three ingredients together:

  • a document and index database

  • a retrieval model

  • a QA model

At a high level, when you call the qa method the following happens:

rqa = SimpleRQA.from_scratch(...)
## rqa.components = [retriever, qa_llm, answer_guardrail]
## SimpleRQA by default adds in an answer guardrail that does NOOP for now

response =
    batch_questions=['What is DBFS?'],
## 1. call              with input {batch_questions, batch_dialogue_session}, output {batch_source_documents}
## 2. call                 with input {batch_questions, batch_dialogue_session, batch_source_documents}, output {batch_answers}
## 3. call answer_guardrail.guardrail with input {batch_questions, batch_dialogue_session, batch_source_documents, batch_answers}, output {RQAOutput}

This means that to customize your own RQA system, simply modify this component cascade! To illustrate this, let’s walk through an example of adding a custom answer guardrail module using OpenAI’s moderation API.

Implementing a Custom Guardrail#

First, let’s implement a simple component that can be added to the RQA system.


In principle, you do not need to stick with using the SimplRQA class. In general, other functionalities of our code base rely on the parent RQAPipeline class. We use SimpleRQA here for simplicity.

The Component class#

Under the hood, each component inherits the Component class, which instructs the RQA pipeline of the following:

class BaseAnswerGuardrail(Component):
    ### 1. what input data are required to run the component
    run_input_keys = [

    def guardrail(
        batch_questions: List[str],
        batch_source_documents: List[List[Document]],
        batch_dialogue_session: List[DialogueSession],
        batch_answers: List[str],
    ) -> RQAOutput:

    ### 2. the 'forward' pass when this component is called
    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.guardrail(*args, **kwargs)

In this case, because you might to check if the generated answer is faithful to the input question and retrieved documents, the run_input_keys are set to include both of them. When the run method is called, the following happens:

  1. say the previous component returned the following output:

        "batch_questions": ['What is DBFS?'],
        "batch_source_documents": [ [Document(...)] ],
        "batch_dialogue_session": [DialogueSession()],
        "batch_answers": ['DBFS is ...'],
        "additional_data": "..."
  2. RQAPipeline will then choose the relevant data according to run_input_keys of this component (i.e., remove additional_data), and call run with:
        batch_questions=['What is DBFS?'],
        batch_source_documents=[ [Document(...)] ],
        batch_answers=['DBFS is ...'],
  3. the output will then be updated before being passed to the next component. Let’s say this component changed the answer to “I’m sorry, I cannot answer that question.” and removed the source documents. Then all available data for the next component will be:

        "batch_questions": ['What is DBFS?'],
        "batch_source_documents": [],
        "batch_dialogue_session": [DialogueSession()],
        "batch_answers": ["I'm sorry, I cannot answer that question."],
        "additional_data": "..."

Implementing an OpenAIModeration component#

Now, we can implement a simple answer guardrail that checks if the answer violates OpenAI moderation API. To do this, simply implement the guardrail method and inherit the BaseAnswerGuardrail class by defining its run_input_keys and run method:

from typing import List
from local_rqa.schema.document import Document
from local_rqa.schema.dialogue import DialogueSession, RQAOutput
from local_rqa.guardrails.base import BaseAnswerGuardrail
import os
import requests

class OpenAIModeration(BaseAnswerGuardrail):
    """checks if the answer violates OpenAI moderation API."""
    OPENAI_API_KEY = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]

    def _moderate_single(self, text: str) -> bool:
        url = ""
        headers = {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": "Bearer " + self.OPENAI_API_KEY
        text = text.replace("\n", "")
        json_data = {'input': text}
            ret =, headers=headers, json=json_data, timeout=5)
            flagged = ret.json()["results"][0]["flagged"]
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as _:
            flagged = False
        except KeyError as _:
            flagged = False
        return flagged

    def guardrail(
        batch_questions: List[str],
        batch_source_documents: List[List[Document]],
        batch_dialogue_session: List[DialogueSession],
        batch_answers: List[str],
    ) -> RQAOutput:
        checked_answers = []
        checked_source_documents = []
        for idx, answer in enumerate(batch_answers):
            if self._moderate_single(answer):
                checked_answers.append("I'm sorry, I cannot answer that question.")

        return RQAOutput(

    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.guardrail(*args, **kwargs)

This will take the batch_answers and check if they violate OpenAI moderation API. If the answer is flagged, it will be replaced with “I’m sorry, I cannot answer that question.” and the source documents will be removed.

Adding the Guardrail to SimpleRQA#

Finally, we can add this guardrail to the SimpleRQA system. Since this inherits from the Component class, SimpleRQA will understand how to call it. Here’s how you can add it to the system:

rqa = SimpleRQA.from_scratch(
guardrail = OpenAIModeration()

# run QA: retrieval -> QA -> guardrail
response =
    batch_questions=['What is DBFS?'],
# if the answer violates OpenAI moderation API,
# the answer will be replaced with "I'm sorry, I cannot answer that question."